広島修道大学の菅原智先生を通じて、論文投稿の依頼(Call for Paper)が、Accounting Education: an international Journalという雑誌の編集長Richard Wilson先生からありました。Wilson先生は、できるだけ多くの会計教育研究をしている方に、このCall for Paperを配布して欲しいということですので、配布させていただきます。
ACCOUNTING EDUCATION: an international journal
(The official education journal of the IAAER)
Sustainability in Accounting Education
Accounting Education: an international journal invites submissions for a themed issue on sustainability in accounting education. The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) seeks to integrate the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning at universities. The integration of sustainability in accounting curricula has also been spurred on by the climate change debate. Accounting for sustainability is now part of professional accounting institutes’ examination syllabi. The challenge for accounting educators is to design and deliver programmes that reflect current thinking and practices in sustainability whilst educating students to critically examine ways of thinking and techniques that have contributed to society’s sustainability problems.
Submissions should be original work which investigates an aspect of sustainability in accounting education. The guest editors are amenable to quality research in any paradigm including, for example, field or experimental investigations, archival or survey research, interpretive or critical studies and case study research. Integrating sustainability in accounting education is a pressing global challenge, so we also encourage international studies. The following list is indicative of topics of interest but is not intended to be exhaustive:
·Embedding sustainability in the curriculum
·Interface of institutional sustainability policies and sustainability in the curriculum
·Sustainability skills: stakeholders’ perceptions
·Sustainable education of academics
·Aligning sustainability skills with graduate employment needs
·Engaging stakeholders in curriculum design to integrate sustainability in the curriculum
·Assessing approaches and methods to teaching sustainability
The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2011 with publication currently scheduled for 2012. Early submissions are welcome, and potential contributors are encouraged to notify us of their interest. Submissions should be made electronically in accordance with AE’s policies and style and sent to both guest editors:
・Guest Editors
Associate Professor Maria Cadiz Dyball
Department of Accounting and Finance
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW Australia 2109
Ian Thomson
Department of Accounting and Finance
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland G4 0LN